Thursday, November 22, 2018

October assessment - learner response

October assessment - learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

You made a solid start and have clearly revised narrative theory. However, overall this is a real wake-up call regarding the step up to A level media as a Q2-4 offer very little. 

-Written english is a problem:section of some of your answers simply don't make sense. I think handwriting is a factor here too - one to keep in mind for future assessments/exams
- Most worryingly for Q2-4 is you don't really offer answers to the questions. When you read the mark scheme and see AQA's suggested content you will hopefully see what i mean. 

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
Q1- i have forgotten to include propps theory when analysing the poster.
Q2- I didn't mention the convention that i was giving an answer too.
Q3- Need to mention convention from the magazine. 
Q4- Need to completely understand what reception theory is and don't be misunderstood. 

4) Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.

5) Identify your strongest question. Why did you do better on this question?

The first question since i revised narrative theory a lot and was comfortable explaining todorov's theory. Furthermore, i had a clear understanding of the GCSE theories needed for this question such as props theory. 

6) Identify your weakest question. Why did you score lower on this particular task?

Q4 was my weakest question since i was not sure or didn't completely understand what Reception theory was. This was due to lack of revision. 

7) Re-write your weakest answer in full. Use the mark scheme to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure your typed re-draft is a top-level answer.

Why is genre important for both media producers and audiences( 9 marks )

Genre is important for audiences as it creates certain audience pleasures such as a horror genre will generate visceral pleasure from all the tension built up in the intensive moments. Likewise with vicarious pleasure,  some audiences will gain an emotional attachment with the characters. This may be due to the certain genre that is being shown e.g. romance or tragedy. different genres communicate different meanings to the audience which further explains why audiences pick that specific movie to watch or promote.  Katz's and Bumbler's User Gratifications applies to genre since some genres deliver personal identity for example waterloo road. Water loo is set in a school; audiences can relate to that and exhibit similar thoughts towards that show.    

There are three main reasons why genre is important to producers, the first point is production. Genres are templates media producers follow. If a media producer wants to produce a new sit-com, there are certain 'rules' that must be followed. This actually makes life easier for writers and producers as they don't have to invent things from scratch.

8) Email your re-written answer (7) to the next person below you on the blog list. Ask them to provide a WWW/EBI response before next Friday and then include this underneath your answer on your blog. 

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